Welcome to the Woods
Baby Wood!
Baby Wood!
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We found out on August 22, 2008 that we are expecting our first baby!  What wonderful news!  I am due on May 3, 2009 and we are excited (yet nervous) about becoming parents!


We have had several great appointments.  At the beginning we got to see baby more often, but the last two appts, we heard the heartbeat.  What a wonderful sound!  It was b/t 151 and 160 both times, so we have an active little one!

Our baby at 9 weeks, 6 days

20 week u/s - Profile of the face

Our baby at 12 weeks, 2 days

20 week u/s - Our little alien =)

Dec 16 - We had our big 20 week ultrasound!  It was so much fun seeing our little one and how much he/she has grown in the last couple months!  The tech said baby looks great and is so cute!  Jason got to hear the heartbeat for the first time since he missed the other two appts.  It was still 150.  After we were done, I left the room while the tech told Jason what baby is!  But no torturing him for the info...if I don't know, no one else will! =)

20 week u/s - Cute little foot


For Christmas, we gave our two moms the gift of a 3-d ultrasound to see Red!  We went for our first peek in February, but Red did not want to show off his/her face, so we got to have a second look in early March.  Finally we got a few cute shots of his/her face.  We loved seeing those chubby cheeks and cute little nose.


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We had our latest appt last Friday, January 23.  The doctor says all looks well!  The baby is growing and measuring right where it's supposed to.  We heard the wonderful lub-dub heartbeat, and it was at 140.  My doctor said that b/c of my long torso, I am the girl that people will always tell me I'm small for how far along I am.  It is a bummer that some people can't even tell I'm pregnant, even though I'm two-thirds of the way there already!  But I guess I will appreciate it in the end if I don't get as big as a whale! =)
Today (April 10) was my latest appt.  My doctor was out of the office delivering a baby, so we just had a quick check of the heartbeat (in the 150's).  At last week's appt, my doctor said we have a large baby and she's pretty sure it will come in April, instead of waiting for May!  Wow, that is THIS month!  We are just at the 37 week mark, which they classify as "FULL TERM."  What great words to hear, knowing that if Red would come now, all should be well!
The furniture is all in and set up in our nursery!  I have yet to take pictures of it but hopefully that will come soon...along with all the great stuff I have been getting at my showers! =)

My almost 37 week belly!

Have a great day!
