To us, family is incredibly important!
We love to spend time with our families - not just at holidays
but all year round! Jason and I are very blessed to have both our families so close, and we treasure every moment
we spend with them!
Jason's family
Chris, Heather, Dad, Lisa, Travis, Mom, Sheryl, Jason
This picture was taken in May 2007 at Travis & Lisa's
Travis is a youth pastor in Fresno, and Lisa is going
to school for dental assisting and also works at Starbucks. Chris and Heather live in the LA area, where Heather
teaches kindergarten and Chris attends dental school. He will graduate in May!
Sheryl's family
Michael, Bill, Carolyn with Ryan, Joshua (in front), Joanne, Brian, Brittany (in front), Hannah, Mom, Dad,
Sheryl, Jason
Photo taken October 2008
Bill is a warehouse manager of a company in Fresno.
Carolyn works at home with the boys and also teaches 2 independent study students. Joshua started
kindergarten this year! Joanne works for the school district and Brian is a Product Relocation
Specialist (fancy way to say "truck driver"). =) Hannah & Brittany, 13 and 11, are Brian's
two daughters, and we enjoy having 2 nieces along with our 3 nephews!
Our adorable nephews, Michael and Joshua
Almost 2 and almost 5
With our newest nephew, Ryan James,
just over 2 weeks old
Have a great day!
