Welcome to the Woods

Construction Project

Baby Wood!
Our Families
Home Life
Our Cats
Our New Home!

Aug 2005 - Our Big News is that we just started building a bigger house for ourselves (not that we need it now)!  With the market like it is and being able to build the house ourselves under Jason's dad, the timing was just right.  It will be much too big for us now (a lot of empty rooms) but we are planning wayyyyy ahead for when we have kids (no, there are still no kids in the near future!).  

We will try to keep you updated on the construction of our new home and post some pictures as we go along!
Aug 2007 - Well, we have been in our new house for over a year now and we still are amazed by how little we would change!  Still no backyard but the plans are in the works.  Now if only we could get the money! =)
To get started click on the house below...


It's March 2008 and we have just begun the backyard!  If you'd like to skip directly to the page showing that progress, click here...


Have a great day!
